Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Sungai Gabai River Cleaning Activity

Class Photo of Environmental Ethics Policy & Law 

On 6 December 2014, I and my classmates went to Sungai Gabai Waterfall to do river cleaning activity as our assignment for Environmental Ethics, Policy and Law Subject.  The purposes of this project are to raise awareness of the environment among students; nnsuring students get new environmental science through application directly while completing tasks; create a clean environment; foster the cooperation among students and visitors and local residents. In this project, about 50 peoples including our lecturer Dr. Fauziah Shahul Hamid are involved.  We departed from University Malaya about 8.15 in the morning by carpools and we arrived at Sungai Gabai Waterfall at 9 a.m. It is a little bit rainy on that day, but thankfully the rain stopped as we arrived.

Before we started our main agenda for the day, that is river cleaning, we had some icebreaking among ourselves. The icebreaking activity was conducted by the chief of charging bureau, Hafizulisra. All of us were divided into 8 groups. Each group was given a packet of bread and an orange per person. The fastest group that can finished up all the foods are the winners. In this game, the main objective is to test the spirit of cooperation and tolerance as well as strategies in a team. The game takes about 15 minutes to finish. After that, we had a second game that is poison box. In this game, we were asked to make a large circle and a box filled with small numbered papers was being passed amongst ourselves while the music played. When the music stops, the person holding the bottle is required to take the existing numbers in the box and they need to perform the requested action by the question. This game required us to be creative and critical and the same time.

After having icebreaking activity about 45 minutes, we moved on to the second agenda that is spreading the environmental awareness to visitors at Sungai Gabai Waterfall. This environmental awareness campaign was carried out to visitors in groups according to the initial group during icebreaking session. We bombarded every visitor who is present and disseminate the importance of protecting the environment and its effects. The majority of visitors expressed a positive response to our campaign and also praised the initiatives of this program. The visitors are also invited to join us to clean up the river and souvenirs in the form of environmental awareness material were given to them as an appreciation.

Next, we were having the main agenda for the day that is river cleaning. We collect all the waste that can be taken where the waste were scattered along the waterfall up to fourth stage of Sungai Gabai Waterfall. The wastes were separated into two types; which can be recycled and which cannot be recycled. Most types of waste that we have collected are plastic bottles, plastic packaging material, and polystyrene. The total amount of waste that we collect is 29.2kg for waste which cannot be recycled and 14kg of waste that can be recycled. Wastes that can be recycled were brought back to be sent to recycling center and wastes that cannot be recycled were handed over to committee in charge of the facility in Sungai Gabai Waterfall. In addition to the river cleaning activities, we also make a simple water quality test to test the level of cleanliness Sungai Gabai Waterfall. Here are the results of the test; pH - 7, Nitrate - 5ppm, phosphate - 1, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - 0, temperature - 26C, turbidity - 40 JTU. The results of this test indicated the water quality of Sungai Gabai Waterfall is at a low level, especially when the DO was zero showed no organisms that can live in it.

What is more surprising is the amount of wastes collected that is quite a lot. These wastes were also not disposed in the right place like trash bin instead be left at the edges of the road leading to the waterfall and most of the garbage is made of plastic, which requires at least 450 years to decompose. This is very shocking and shameful. This shows that the Malaysian public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment is very low. However, it is the responsibility of every citizen in a community to remind each other of the importance of protecting the environment and student groups are also part of the community. Thus, students ought to be the agents of change to society by carrying out similar activities rather than just theorizing in lecture halls. I feel very grateful and proud to be involved in this activity because this activity made me realize the importance of spreading awareness to the public. It is expected that these activities do not stop here and will be conducted also in the future without the needs to be a necessary assignment in any subject at university instead on the efforts and initiative of the students themselves.

After the river cleaning activity, we had lunch and informal speech delivered by Dr. Fauziah Shahul Hamid as our lecturer for the course and Afiq Hazimi as the director for this river cleaning project. We also hung a banner at Sungai Gabai Waterfall about the importance of taking care of the river for public viewing. We departed back to University of Malaya at 1.20 p.m.  To end this report I would like to quotes very meaningful quotes from two figures.

 ‘The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river’ -Ross Perot

‘People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame - and only one - themselves.’ -Robert Collier

Posters for Environmental Awareness
Environmental Awareness Banner left at Sungai Gabai Waterfall
Environmental Awareness Campaign to visitors

Cleaning River

Bring the waste down 
Simple Water Quality Test

Friday, 24 October 2014

Kalau perjuangan ini hanya semata..

'Sorang je? Mane yang lain?'
Kalau perjuangan ini hanya semata kerana ukhuwwah..
Pergi dengar talk sama-sama..
Makan sama-sama..
Bedah buku sama-sama..
Bergerak kerja sama-sama..
Semua nak sama-sama..
Sampai satu masa, kau akan tinggal seorang..
Ketika itu,
Baru akan teruji,
Niai perjuangan selama ini,
Disebabkan kawan?
Atau keranaNya?
Jika nilai perjuangan hanya semata kerana ukhuwwah,
Silalah bakul sampahkan usaha-usaha selama ini..
Kerna kau tak pernah pun ikhlas keranaNya..
Tapi hanya semata kerana kau ada teman untuk bergerak..
Wahai jiwa pejuang,
Jika kau mahu mengaku sebagai pejuang,
Silalah betulkan dahulu mindset itu..
Bila tiba saat kau keseorangan nanti,
Kau takkan mudah,
Digoyah anasir-anasir provokasi..

Monday, 23 June 2014

Ketika Diri Diuji, Ingatlah

Ketika diri diuji oleh Allah..ingatlah bahawa,

Benih-benih mazmumah rasa tidak senang atau tidak redha atau berdendam dapat dikesan ada dalam hati di waktu kita diuji atau ditimpa bala. Sama ada ujian-ujian itu berbentuk lahiriah atau maknawiah (batiniah). Umpamanya:

a. Terasa tidak senang bila dikata nista, dihina, diumpat, difitnah. Hati rasa marah, rasa dendam, rasa ingin hinakan orang itu semula. Ini sangat merbahaya. Boleh mencetuskan pecah ukhwah, pecah belah, huru-hara dan pergaduhan dalam masyarakat.

b. Terasa tidak senang atau menderita bila tidak ada duit, tidak ada pangkat atau harta.

c. Terasa tidak senang bila diuji dengan sakit atau kematian orang yang dikasihi.

d. Terasa tidak senang atau kecewa apabila orang-orang yang dikasihi membuat ragam atau tidak bertanggungjawab.

Terasa tidak senang atau tidak redha dengan takdir Allah. Ini dapat dikesan bila kehendak-kehendak atau hajat-hajat hati tidak tercapai. Katalah kita hendak begini, dapat begini. Hendak banyak, dapat sikit. Hendak pandai, tidak pandai-pandai juga. Hendak pangkat, jawatan, pujian tapi tidak dapat-dapat. Barangkali kalau didorong sifat keji ini akan timbul bimbang terhadap masa depan. Hati makin susah sebelum susah yang sebenarnya menimpa. Misalnya hati merasa, “Bagaimana nanti kalau aku sakit? Bagaimana kalau aku miskin? Kalau aku tak kahwin? Kalau aku tak dapat anak? Kalau aku tak ada rumah? Kalau tak ada kebun selepas pencen? Dan macam-macam hajat yang tak tercapai.”

Bila rasa tidak senang ini disuburkan, ia boleh membawa kepada iri hati atau hasad dengki pada orang lain. Dia tidak akan senang melihat ada orang yang dapat lebih nikmat atau lebih senang daripadanya. Setelah dikesan adanya rasa tidak senang atau tidak redha dengan ketentuan Allah ini mestilah dikikisbuangkan, ditumpas dan dicabut. Jika sifat-sifat ini tidak dibuang dan dibendung sebaliknya disuburkan, ia akan jadi lebih parah lagi.

Dia sentiasa keluh-kesah atau gelisah bila berhadapan dengan sebarang ujian atau kesusahan. Ia menjadi seorang yang pemarah, pendendam, tidak senang dan putus asa hingga timbul akhlak-akhlak yang buruk atau perbuatan-perbuatan atau tindakan-tindakan yang buruk yang merosakkan dirinya dan masyarakat. Maka hilanglah kebahagiaan hidup. Sebab itu dalam Islam disuruh redha dengan ketentuan Allah. Sifat tidak redha ini sangat dibenci Allah dan Rasul serta seluruh manusia. Untuk membendungnya ingatlah perintah-perintah Allah SWT.

“Hendaklah kamu katakan semua itu datang daripada Allah.” (An Nisaa’: 78)

“Janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada nikmat Allah.” (Yusuf: 87)

Ingatlah setiap perkara yang berlaku sama ada baik atau buruk, hakikatnya daripada Allah. Ia ada hikmahnya yang tersendiri, yang tersembunyi, untuk kebaikan dan manfaatnya pada diri kita kalau kita pandai menerimanya.

-Pendidikan Rohani karya Ust Ashaari Muhammad-

Friday, 13 June 2014

Too Much Of One Thing VS A Little Bit Of Everything

Diam tak selalu beerti setuju..
Diam juga tak selalu beerti mogok..
Kadang-kadang diam juga menandakan proses berfikir sedang giat dijalankan oleh otak..
Cumanya mungkin jawapan tidak tepacul keluar kerana hasil analisis otak mengatakan ianya tidak seharusnya diungkapkan oleh lidah..

Sekali-sekala teringin juga jadi pemerhati tetap dalam sesuatu sesi brainstorming..
Beri peluang pada orang lain untuk berkata-kata..

Sekali-sekala teringin juga melihat kehanyutan yang berlaku semasa sesi brainstorming..
Melihat minda-minda yang hanyut dibawa arus pemikiran yang sehaluan..

Bukan tidak mahu mencelah..
Tetapi sudah banyak kali mencelah dan sering kali dikelar semula akibat arus pemikiran yang bertentangan..

Aku mengambil jalan ini..
Jalan untuk 'agree to disagree'

Jangan ditanya aku lagi,
Mengapa tak bersuara pula kali ini?

Jawapan aku mudah,
Aku sudah tidak mampu bersuara dengan cara pemikiran kalian..

Jawapan aku mudah,
Jika kalian mahu teruskan dengan cara pemikiran kalian dan tidak mahu menerima cara pemikiran yang lain, teruskanlah..

Aku rasa sudah tidak mampu,
Mahu berdebat dengan orang-orang begini..

Pilihan di tangan kita,
Jangan pula kita memaksa..
Kita boleh pilih sama ada untuk berada dalam mana-mana kondisi..
Kondisi yang pertama kondisi kepelbagaian tetapi sedikit-sedikit..
Atau kondisi yang kedua kondisi ketidakpelbagaian namun banyak sekali..

Ini kisahnya..
Kisah tentang kiasan alam yang Allah ciptakan..
Untuk kita pelajari dan teladani..

Situasi 1. A little bit of everything

Situasi 2. Too much of one thing

Situasi 1
Wujudnya kepelbagaian namun setiap dari satu jenis amat sedikit, dan kepelbagaian ini saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain.
Satu tasik yang mempunyai kepelbagaian organisma dan kesemua organisma ini melengkapi sistem kitaran biologi..tiada yang dominan kerana masing-masing ada kelebihannya kepada alam..
Tidak bagus dari satu sudut, kerna kepelbagaian juga kadang-kadang boleh mendatangkan pilihan yang sangat banyak, susah untuk diurus..
Bagus dari satu sudut kerana ia akan mematangkan serta kepelbagaian itulah keindahannya..

Situasi 2
Wujudnya berlebihan satu organisma yang menguasai sesebuah kawasan sehingga memudaratkan organisma yang lain..
Satu tasik yang mempunyai organisma yang berlebihan sebagai contoh 'blue green alagae'..organisma ini memenuhi kesemua ruang lingkup tasik sehingga memudaratkan hidupan yang lain..ikan mati kerana tidak cukup oksigen kerana proses penguraian alage ini memerlukan oksigen yang banyak dan akibat itu berlakulah kekurangan oksigen pada air tasik..hidupan akuatik juga mati kerana tidak mendapat cahaya matahari yang secukupnya akibat ruang lingkup kawasan algae yang menutupi permukaan tasik..
Bagus dari satu sudut kerana disini dapat dilihat teori kebersamaan..
Tidak bagus dari satu sudut kerana bila satu cara pemikiran maka yang berbeza akan di'hijack'..

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Tribute Untuk Kampung Chubadak Sentul~

'Kita pernah mengharungi pengalaman ini..
Di bandar dan di desa..sandiwara kejam mengulang tayang..
Wasiat penjajah mengaturkan pedoman..
Mempertahankan hak..satu kesalahan..
Dasar pembangunan..menghalalkan penindasan..
Kemajuan..menjaminkan kemiskinan..
Keuntungan membenamkan kemanusiaan..

Tali barut - tali barut tetap bersorak
Jentolak tetap mengasak
Jalan tar merekah..membelahi bumi..
Bumbung zink berlumba-lumba..berlipat tiga..
Tiang rapuh..terkaman samseng pemerintah
Lantai simen meletup..
Di sulam rapi..
Mengghairahkan kehancuran 

Betapa lumrahnya kekejaman ini

Nenek memandikan air mata..lesu
Datuk menggelengkan kepala..mendongak ke langit
Memohon sesuatu

Jeritan ibu..sayu
Tangisan bayi..biru
Rayuan suami..kelu
Teriakan anak..pilu'

::Puisi di atas dipetik daripada Novel Mengharungi Titik Noktah karya Dr. Mohd Nasir Hashim, khas ditujukan buat situasi yang berlaku di Kampung Chubadak Sentul::

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Care For Our People

 Izinkan aku beradu di sini
Berbumbungkan langit
Berselimutkan dingin sembilu
Beralaskan hamparan kotak-kotak
Aku masih mampu terlena
Lebih lena dari tidurmu
Bertemankan mimpi indah
Yang pernah aku alami dulu
Aku juga insan sepertimu
Ingin rasa bahagia
Sedangkan ku pilih untuk berlari
Jauh dari kehidupan realiti
Hingga aku terdampar disini
Dikau yang bergelar insan
Lemparkan sedikit simpati
Agar perutku terisi
Walau hanya sekelumit sisa dari mulutmu
Aku juga punya hati sepertimu
Tetapi disinilah hatiku
Yang ku bawa lari itu
Hati yang telah lama mati
Dikau yang bergelar insan
Hulurkan secubit kasih
Agar aku rasa dihormati
Sebagai penghuni terhormat
Di kaki lima ini……..

Di daerah terasing ini
aku mencari indahMu
dalam kabus pergunungan
dalam hijau merah periuk kera
perlembahan basah
kembang unggu senduduk
tersipu malu

Betapa sayu daerah ini
hanya burung burung menemani
menyingkap kembali
lembaran kenangan
semasa kita bersama dulu
di tengah arus kota
penuh cabaran dan luka luka
namun di sini ada sesuatu
yang sangat kuharapkan
menjelma semula
menjadi kenyataan

aku mencari kedamaian
ketenangan bersama warna
dalam setiap coretanku menari
aku akan terus melakarkannya
dari indah yang tersembunyi
akan terus aku lukiskan
dengan cara aku sendiri.

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Trees Planting at Shah Alam with SPAS's Society

UM Team (SPAS's Club)

The Heart of the Tree

What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high.
He plants a home to heaven anigh
For song and mother-croon of bird
In hushed and happy twilight heard --
The treble of heaven's harmony --
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years that fade and flush again;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest's heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
They joy that unborn eyes shall see --
These things he plants who plants a tree.

What does he plant who plants a tree?
He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,
In love of home and loyalty
And far-cast thought of civic good --
His blessing on the neighborhood
Who in the hollow of His hand
Holds all the growth of all our land --
A nation's growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.

Henry Cuyler Bunner(1855 - 1896)

Friday, 30 May 2014

A Workshop On Maqasid Al-Shariah : Youth & Civil Society Issues and Challenges

by Dr. Jasser Auda, Professor at Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies

-Maqasid shari'ah is dynamic, can be applied to many issues not only about the society, but also in terms of environment

-Maqasid shari'ah is not just a philosophy of islamic law

-3 ideas on constructing a youth civil organisation related to maqasid shari'ah
+ Setting objectives of civil works (must follow the maqasid: faith, life, mind, honour/dignity,wealth)
+ Priorities the objectives whether it is dharuriyat (compulsory), haajiat (the needs/consumption) or tahsiniyat (luxuries) in order to spend money, effort & time
+ seeking common ground between muslim & the society (non-muslim, muslim, etc) not in a faith matter, but more into social life matter like human rights, justice, mercy, wisdom.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Syair oleh As-Syahid Sayyid Qutub

Seandainya kau tangisi kematianku

Dan kau siram pusaraku dengan air matamu
Maka di atas tulangku yang hancur luluh
Nyalakanlah obor buat umat mulia ini
Dan teruskan perjalanan ke gerbang jaya

Kematianku adalah suatu perjalanan
mendapatkan kekasih yang sedang merinduiku
Taman-taman indah di syurga bangga menerimaku
Burung-burungnya berpesta menyambutku
Dan bahagialah hidupku di sana.

Puaka kegelapan pasti ia kan hancur
Fajarkan menyinsing
Dan alam ini akan disinari fajar lagi
Biarlah rohku terbang mendapatkan rindunya
Jangan gentar berkelana ke alam abadi
Di sana cahaya fajar memancar.

Saat-saat akhir sebelum as-Syahid Sayyid Qutb dibawa ke tali gantung. Berjalan mendapatkan rindu kekasihnya. Setelah bertahun-tahun diseksa di dalam penjara. Masa yang dinanti telah tiba. Selamat Tinggal Dunia yang penuh pancaroba dan ujian yang tidak pernah padam. Selamat tinggal hai dunia yang penuh melalaikan!

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Out Seeing The Field~

Briskly, rising to the sky
Cold, clouds rushing past
Flying, hopes to never land
Light. Stretching out my hand

Out seeing the fields
What is a dream and
can you tell me what is real?
Everyone else is home in bed
and I’m out here lost in my own head
out seeing the fields

I only feel close to you when I’m under open sky
I only feel guided when I’m free to question why
Only when I smell the earth upon my face
will I ever be free to fly from this place

Out seeing the fields
Leaving the place I thought was home before
Picking up my shoes and I’m flying out the door
Can’t seem to walk to go back there anymore
So I’m out seeing the fields

Friday, 10 January 2014

The People of the Boxes by Dawud Wharnsby Ali

There were once some people
Who all saw their lives like empty boxes
They looked around the world
Collecting up the things they liked.

They filled their lives and boxes
With the goodies that they gathered
And they all felt in control
Content and they all felt alright.

They climbed inside their boxes
They settled with their trinkets.
They neither looked nor learned much more
And closed their lids up tight.

Once they fastened up their boxes
They smiled there inside
And they all thought in their darkness
That the world was clear and bright.

But the world is not a box
There's no lid no doors
No cardboard flaps or locks
And everything in nature
From the clouds to the rocks
Is a piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man
It's a piece of the peace of Islam.

Along came a wandering wiseman
Whispering such words of truth
He stumbled on these boxes
So separate side by side
He knocked upon the first one saying
Please come out and feel the day
An answer came from deep within
You're not of us please go away

He approached the second box
And tapped twice on the lid saying
Peace to you inside
Shall I show you a new way
Someone peaked out from a crack and said
You may just have a point
But it's so comfy in my box
In my box here I will stay

But the world is not a box
There is no lid, no doors
No cardboard flaps of locks
And everything in nature
From the clouds to the rocks
Is the piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man
Is the piece of the peace of Islam

He stood before the final box
A hiding face peaked out to him
And much to his surprise
He said I recognise those eyes
I see you and you see me
Why not come out and be free
Faith and flowers wilt and die
If they are hidden from the sky.

Cause the world is not a box
There is no lid, no doors
No cardboard flaps of locks
And everything in nature
From the clouds to the rocks
Is the piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man
Is the piece of the peace of Islam

Now the centuries lie between
All the prophets and you and I
Civilisations are born and die
Each and everyday
We see good and bad and happy, sad
And mad mistakes we wish we hadn't made
In our attempt to try and live up to their ways

But if we hide ourselves away
Afraid to grow and learn
We might wake up in the flames
Of the ignorance that burns
And we'll never be much more
Than only casualties of war

In a struggle we can't win
If we have no faith to begin
We've got to tip the lid
And let some sunlight in

Cause the world is not a box
There is no lid, no doors
No cardboard flaps of locks
And everything in nature
From the clouds to the rocks
Is the piece of the puzzle of the purpose of man
Is the piece of the peace of Islam

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Teach Yourself To Think~

Teach Yourself To Think


I breathe. I walk. I talk. I think.

I do not have to think about these things, so why should I think about thinking?
Thinking is natural. You pick it up as you go along. Intelligent people can think without having to learn to think. Other people cannot think no matter what they do. What is wrong with that view?


Because thinking is the most fundamental human skill.

Because your skill in thinking will determine your happiness and your success in life.

Because you need thinking to make plans, take initiatives, solve problems, open up opportunities and design your way forward.

Because without the ability to think you are like a cork floating on a stream with no control over its destiny.

Because thinking is fun and enjoyable-if you learn how to make it so.

Because thinking and intelligence are quite separate. Intelligent is like the horsepower of a car. Thinking is like the skill of the car driver. Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers and get caught in the 'intelligence trap'. Many less intelligent people have developed a high degree of skill in thinking.

Because thinking is a skill that can be learned, practised and developed. But you have to want to develop that skill. You need to learn how to ride a bicycle or drive a car.

Because traditional education at school and university only teach one aspect of thinking.

What about feelings and values?

You may believe that feelings and values are most important things in life.

You are right.

That is why thinking is so very important.

The purpose of thinking is to deliver to you the values you seek just as the purpose of a bicycle is to get you want to go. a bicycle uses less energy, gets you there faster and allows you to enjoy your values more effectively.

You are locked in a room. You desperately want to get out. You want freedom. Your feelings are very strong. Which is the more useful, this very strong feeling or a key to the lock?

Feelings without the means to carry them out are not much good. At the same time, the key without the desire to leave the room is also not much good.

We need values, feelings amd thinking.
Feeling is no substitute for thinking.
Thinking without values is aimless.
Values and feelings are equally important but insufficient without thinking.

-Retrieved from the book 'Teach Yourself To Think'  by Edward De Bono-

Although this week I'm quite busy with my final semester exams, I managed to sneak out some time to read a book written by Edward De Bono, 'Teach Yourself To Think'. The foreword description was interesting and surprisingly, it answer some of my unanswered question about thinking. I always wonder, do people actually think in everyday life? Or people just think in certain situations? Do 'feelings' and 'values' can be included in the thinking processes while brainstorming? Those questions finally answered by this one piece of book. (^_^)

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Simfoni Musim Luruh~

saat dedaunan kering,

simfoni itu,
serasi dengan hati,

dedaunan itu,
berterbangan lagi,
di bawa angin.

lalu aku...
pejamkan mata,
depakan tangan,
menarik perlahan nafasku,
bisikan dan sapaan angin,
 yang memeluk tubuh.

di saat ini juga,
hanya Dia yang mendengar,
jeritan hatiku,
yang kujerit sekuatnya,
di dalam hati yang kecil ini,
biar seisi alam tidak mendengarnya,
kerana jeritan ini,
jeritan yang menggegar jiwa,
menggugurkan air mata... 

"Ya Allah peluk hatiku!"

"Peluk hatiku Ya Allah!"

"Berikan sedikit kekuatan!"

"Bawa aku pulang kepadaMU!"

"Kerana aku mahu dekat denganMu!"

"Kerana dunia ini menyakitiku!"

"Aku mahu menjadi seorang yang redha!"

"Dan di redhaiMu...kekasihku!"

simfoni itu,
terlalu indah...

mataku masih kupejam rapat,
mutiara hangat itu masih setia mengalir dipipiku,
di saat ini,
aku tersenyum,
ku katakan pada diri,
biarlah semuanya,
berlalu dengan masa,
kerana aku yakin,
ini hadiah terbaik,
dariMu untukku...

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Over The Rainbow~

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream, really do come true

Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why,then oh why can't I?

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why,then oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

 Judy Garland - Over The Rainbow Lyrics